About Us

Stan Hoffman was very mechanically inclined so the HVAC field was a perfect fit for him! Stan graduated from LA Trade Technical College and has solely worked in this industry throughout his career.

After 30+ years serving the greater Los Angeles area he decided to retire and entrust the business to his son Jared. As an outstanding troubleshooter, despite being retired, Jared will often turn to him for advice and he remains a very vital consultant for the business.

As a young boy and the third of five children, Jared was always seen as the most like his father. His endless curiosity about anything and everything electronic provided hands on lessons on how things worked. His curiosity also got him many trips to the emergency room for stitches, as he was always working, even as a very young boy, exploring how things work. He loved taking things apart and putting them back together and his father provided him with many motors and AC parts that he could work on.

His mother recalls that his bedroom always had a piece of newspaper on his desk with all kinds of little parts that he was always working on putting together. Like his father, he always had a knack for things like this, that his siblings did not. His parents encouraged him in this direction, because they clearly saw that he had talent and understanding regarding how things work. From a young age, he would accompany his dad to work as his helper and performed work alongside him as we worked in his garage fixing things. Following in his footsteps, Jared went to school for his degree and went on to become a fully licensed contractor. He had always worked along side my father, but at the same time, he had his own visions for where he wanted to see the company go.

When his father decided to retire in 2015, Jared was beyond thrilled. His father had worked so hard and for so long, and now it would be his turn to direct the company where he wanted it to go.

His vision is simple:

He wants to take all the best that his father taught him by valuing honesty, fairness as well as respecting and treating all customers as family. It is his intention to provide the best service possible and build relationships like his father did before him. Our business was built by word of mouth and his reputation in the industry was impeccable.

In addition to the foundation that his father laid out for him Jared intends to be up to date with all the most modern advances and to provide the best equipment for the particular job at hand.

We look forward to serving you for many years to come!